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Data Structure and Algorithms

Data is the basic entity of fact that is used in calculations or manipulation process. – The way of organizing of the data & performing the operations is called as data structure. Data structure=organized data+ operations (Insertion, Deletions, Searching, Traversing)Data Structure is a way to store and organize data in order to facilitate access and modifications.  No single data structure works well for all purposes, it is important to know the strengths and limitations of several of them.Today, we have fast computing but not infinitely fast.  Memory may be inexpensive but its not free. Computing time is therefore a bounded resource and so is space in memory.We should use these resources wisely, and the algorithms that are efficient in terms of time or space will help you do so.  Yes, Algorithms are truly important in light of the advanced technologies such as GUIs, Object Oriented Systems, Integrated Web Technologies, Fast networking – wired or wireless, Advanced computer architectures. 

Data Structure

Data Structure
You can use any programming language for the algorithm implementation. It can be C, C++, Java or Python or any other comfortable to you. However, some of the languages provide additional built-in routines / functionality / mechanisms.The knowledge of Data Structure enhances the coding skills. It helps the programmers to interact with the data in most efficient, effective way.


@EduPlusOne, we start with the basic understanding the concept of complexity and introduction to programming. Every piece of code you write you should be able to derive both time and space complexity. Then we move to the operations insert, delete, search, traversal on data structures such as Arrays, Linked List, Strings, Stacks, Queues, Sorting, Searching, Prime numbers, String Manipulations, Matrix Manipulation, Fibonacci Numbers, Palindrome and then more linear data Structures such as Binary Tree, Binary Tree search. Highlights of the topics are given below.

Memory and variables – locations, addresses, definitions and declarations; program structure, data types, operators, and expressions, expression evaluation: operator, precedence and associativity, expression evaluation with different data types: type conversion (implicit and explicit), relational, equality, and logical operators

Control Structures

Control statements- sequential, conditional and iterative, if-statement (if-else ladder, nested if, compound if), switch statement (multiway selection), for statement (nested for), while and do-while loops. Sample programs illustrating the use of control statements as basic building blocks.

Data Structure - Arrays

One dimensional and multi-dimensional random access lists: declaring, initializing, and accessing list elements, searching algorithms: linear and binary, sorting algorithms: selection, insertion and bubble sort, implementing stacks and queues using arrays.

Data Structure - Functions and Pointers

Need of functions: modularity and reuse, declaration and definition, scope of data and problem solving, Recursion-self recursive structures, Merge sort, Binary Search using recursion.<br /> Introduction to pointers, argument passing to functions: by value and by reference and pointer arithmetic

Data Structure - Strings

Character arrays as strings, standard library string functions: syntax and implementation, string manipulation with and without header file string.

Data Structure - Heterogeneous Data Types

Memory layout – implicit vs. explicit allocation; static vs. dynamic allocation; new and delete for dynamic allocation/deallocation, user defined types: typedef, # define, structures, pointer to structure, union, enumerated data types, self referential structures

Dynamic Data Structures

Linked Lists: inserting, searching and deleting nodes, implementing stacks and queues using linked lists, merging of linked lists, Doubly linked lists, Binary trees and BST, AVL Trees, Graphs (representation using adjacency list and matrix), BFS and DFS Algorithms with coding, Shortest route algorithm, Hash Tables and Map

Course Duration

10 Weeks

Course Fees for group classes

INR 15000