
Home Object Oriented Programming with Java
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the foundation of modern software development, and Java is one of the most widely-used programming languages for building robust, scalable applications. This course is designed to empower learners with essential OOP concepts and hands-on Java programming skills to excel in the competitive tech industry.

Who should Enrol?

  • Aspiring developers who want to learn programming from scratch.
  • Intermediate programmers looking to master Object-Oriented concepts.
  • Students preparing for technical interviews and certifications.
  • Professionals seeking to build scalable applications or transition into software development roles.


Course Structure

Basics features of OOP

Concepts of objects and classes, basic pillars of object-oriented programming : abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

Java Basics

Java program structure, compiling and executing a simple application, types of variables, primitive types, type promotion and type casting rules

Arrays and Strings

Implementing 1-D and 2-D arrays, role of arrays class, implementing dynamic arrays using vector class, string class, important string methods, String Buffer class

Defining Classes

Defining classes and access modifiers, creating objects, role of constructors, accessing instance fields and methods, local variables vs instance fields, mutable and immutable objects, command-line arguments, reading input from console using scanner class, Use of static and final keywords, method overloading, objects as parameters to methods and object class

Polymorphism & Inheritance

Extending classes and role of super keyword, method overriding (super type vs sub-type relationships), abstract methods and classes, interfaces (class vs interface), nested and inner classes

Exception Handling

Exception basics and types, catching exception, custom exceptions.<br /> Real life project.

Course Duration

6 Weeks

Course Fee for group classes

INR 10000