
Home Python Programming

Python Programming

Are You Ready to Learn Python?

Python is one of the most versatile and widely used programming languages today, and it’s your gateway to countless career opportunities in fields such as data science, web development, automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more.

At eduplusone, we offer a complete Python programming course designed for both beginners and intermediate learners who want to build a strong foundation and advance their programming skills.

Why Python?

Python has earned its reputation for being simple, yet powerful, making it the perfect language for beginners and seasoned programmers alike. Here are just a few reasons why Python is so popular:

  • Ease of Learning: Python’s clean and readable syntax makes it easy to learn for those new to programming.
  • High Demand: Python is one of the top languages in demand by tech companies, data scientists, and software engineers.
  • Versatility: Whether you’re working with data, building websites, or automating tasks, Python can handle it all.
  • Community & Libraries: Python has a vast and supportive community, along with extensive libraries and frameworks for rapid development.

    Who Should Enroll?

    • Beginners: If you have no prior programming experience and want to learn Python from scratch.
    • Intermediate Learners: If you have basic knowledge of programming and want to take your Python skills to the next level.
    • Students & Professionals: Looking to gain skills in Python for Data Science, AI, Web Development, or Automation.

What you’ll learn

Introduction to Python

Installing Python, setting environment variables, data types (mutable and immutable), identifiers, literals, comments, indentation, keywords, operators (mathematical, logical and relational) and expressions. compound operators, basic assignment and input/print statements. basic control statements: if-elif, for and while. decision making logics and iterations in loop. Break, continue and pass statements.

Lists and Strings in Python

String functions-handling strings with built in functions( isdigit(), isupper(), islower(), isdigit(),replace()…) and slicing, managing indexes, string based programming. List functions ( append(), extend(), pop(), remove(), insert()…) List programming ( searching, sorting, insertion, deletion and modification).

Dictionary, Tuples and Sets

Creating dictionaries with multiple data types, various functions to manipulate<br /> dictionaries-len(), update(), values(), keys(), items()… creating tuples with multiple data types, min(), max(), len() functions, adding and comparing tuples Sets and its functions. Changing one datatype to other. programs to illustrate use of dictionary, tuple and set.

Functions in Python

Importing modules: math and random. Defining own Functions, returning multiple values to main program, functions with dummy parameters, default arguments, calling functions.

Python Exception Handling & Files

Text Files (Read, Write and Search). Handling Run Time Errors: Try-Except and Finally clause. Mini Project based on text files.

Course Duration

6 Weeks

Course Fee for group classes

INR 8000